Extracting archives the easy way

I’ve recently updated to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and decided that I liked the way OS X extracts things. In case you’re not familiar with the way it works, instead of showing you what’s inside an archive when you try to open it, a folder is created in the same directory and the archive’s contents are extracted to said folder. Ubuntu has the same functionality when you ‘Right Click -> Extract Here’. I wanted to get rid of having to right click every time and going over the context menu so here’s what I’ve done.

  • Create a text file and call it clickextracter.sh
  • Paste this inside:
#! /bin/bash
# script to extract here on double click
file-roller $1 -h
  • Save it to /usr/bin
  • Give it execute permission (“chmod +x clickextracter.sh”)
  • To make every archive file type open with this script, get “Ubuntu Tweak” from the Ubuntu Software Center and go to Admin->File Type Manager and edit the file types you wish to open with the script.