tagged 'development'

PixelsCamp, a hackathon is reborn

Hackathon’s are pretty cool, but here in Portugal they’re also quite rare. ...

Easily run python functions from the command line

Let’s say you have a python file and you want to run some functions from it in the command line. ...

Pull requests without the messy commit history

So you’re using some kind of configuration management system and you use a pull based deploy method where nodes pull configuration and set themselves up. ...

Campus parking on Prime days only

Someone recently made a joke about we only being allowed to park a car on campus on prime days. ...

Compiling and uploading arduino programs without the IDE

The Arduino IDE might be good for beginners, but it’s not my usual text editor, so I don’t like it. ...

Simple guide to packaging python applications

This will be mostly a self-note for the future, and from someone who packaged an application for the first time today. ...

How can a programmer learn to design websites that don't suck

Graphics are really important in every project. Games, desktop apps, mobile app - every piece of software really - has something to gain by improving graphics (except Rogue, that is just awesome as it is). ...

Why I use Python and enjoy it thoroughly

I started learning Python about a year ago for a web development project during the summer break (but that’s another story). ...